This list is valuable to anyone who would like to communicate or sell to real estate agents and brokers in Los Angeles county. Such people could include other brokers, tailors, cleaners, moving companies, event organizers, lead generation services, recruiters, broker coaches, etc.
Our list covers all areas of Los Angeles County. This accounts for about 117 zip codes.
The Agency, Coldwell Banker, Compass, Sotheby’s, RE/MAX, Hilton & Hyland, Douglas Elliman, Keller Williams, Arbor Real Estate, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, EPLA Homes, First Team Real Estate, Pinnacle Estate Properties, Rodeo Realty, Seven Gables Real Estate, West Shores Realty, and more than 110 other companies
Yes, you can view a sample list by clicking here.
Our list is constantly checked and verified resulting in a very small bounce-back rate. Other similar list vendors are known for high-priced lists that are stale, old, and have high bounce-back rates.

We charge significantly less than competing companies, in some cases less than half the price. And we typically offer about double the number of leads.


Simply click the “purchase list” link at the top menu and you will be directed to our purchase page. Or just click here. After your purchase, we will then e-mail you the list within one business day, but typically within a few hours.

The list is very frequently updated as needed. Feel free to email us to ask us when the list was last updated.

We use Stripe (www.stripe.com) to process all payments which is one of the largest, most secure, and most trusted online payment processors in the world. You can rest assured that your payment info will be safe.